Konica Minolta wins Grand Prize for its CSR Report and Environmental Report

| 31 mars 2017

Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) has received a Grand Award of Counter Global Warming Report (the Japanese Environment Minister’s Award) for its outstanding commitment and quality of its environment communication. Konica Minolta is delighted to have won the Grand Prize for two consecutive years in a row.

The award recognises the superior quality of Konica Minolta’s CSR Report 2016 and the Konica Minolta Environmental Report 2016. Especially noteworthy is the excellent overall structure and abundance of information as well as the orderly arrangement of data that enables easy reference. Together, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment and the Global Environmental Forum host the Environmental Communication Awards programme annually. The award aims to motivate businesses to be active in environmental management and environmental communication and to enhance the quality of environmental information.

As a company, Konica Minolta is aware that the challenges presented by global environmental issues cannot be solved by any individual organisation on its own. With this understanding, Konica Minolta has been working with external stakeholders to create new values and grow together. Specifically, Konica Minolta has been proactively providing external stakeholders with information on its global sustainability activities and environmental achievements, thereby creating opportunities to work with them.

Konica Minolta offers information on its main sustainability activities in five languages in the Konica Minolta CSR Report 2016, and discloses more detailed information on its official website.

Konica Minolta also publishes the Environmental Report. This annual report is exclusively dedicated to environmental information, including Konica Minolta’s basic environmental policy and yearly environmental activities and indicators.

Under the brand proposition “Giving Shape to Ideas” Konica Minolta aims to become a sustainable global company vital to society and will contribute to solving social challenges by creating values to enhance the quality of society through its business activities.

For further information about Konica Minolta’s corporate social responsibility, please visit: https://www.konicaminolta.com/about/csr/index.html and https://www.konicaminolta.eu/en/business-solutions/sustainability.html.

CSR Report 2016: https://www.konicaminolta.com/about/csr/csr/download/2016/index.html

Environmental Report 2016: https://www.konicaminolta.com/about/csr/environment/report/index.html