Konica Minolta’s Augmented Reality App genARate propels print into new dimension

| 16 maj 2019

Konica Minolta’s Augmented Reality App genARate has been praised for helping to shape future thinking of brand managers, ambassadors, creatives and designers as customers continue to expand into new markets.

Research consultants point to how Konica Minolta customers are being helped to future-proof their business with new, profitable applications across sectors including office, IT services, industrial and production print.

Konica Minolta’s genARate AR app weaves into its production print folio including its marketing services business. It provides real-time analytics and feedback on app usage and engagement, enabling brand or campaign managers to make running changes to project-based or dynamic market intelligence. The ability to immediately rework campaigns makes advertising or marketing investments less of a risk as errors, misjudgments, miscalculations and surprises can be addressed on the fly.

Whereas print-related AR has had a few false dawns over the years, there have now been significant shifts in how people access, view and interact with content in the interim years, especially with the growth of the “millennials and their social media practices and fondness for gamification”.

Konica Minolta has addressed many of the market growth barriers in terms of genARate’s ease of use. Its tagline ‘Create, Educate, Engage’ also shows that it recognizes that the market requires education on this technology and the potential business it affords.