Konica Minolta recognised by CDP for leadership on the Climate A List for two consecutive years

| 22 november 2017

Konica Minolta, Inc.(Konica Minolta) has been awarded a global leadership position on the Climate A List by CDP for the second time in a row. CDP is an international not-for-profit organisation engaged in activities to realise a sustainable economy.

The Climate A List comprises companies that have been recognised as global leaders for their actions and strategies in response to climate change. From a total of more than 6,200 companies around the world that were surveyed by CDP, 112 companies, including 13 Japanese companies, were selected for the Climate A List this year. Konica Minolta believes that its inclusion on the Climate A List for the second consecutive year reflects continued high recognition of its response to climate change and disclosure of information on the process.

Therefore, Konica Minolta set ambitious targets for reducing CO₂ emissions throughout the product life cycle compared with fiscal 2005 levels:

  • 2016: 40%

  • 2030: 60%

  • 2050: 80%

The target for 2030 was approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in March this year. The SBTi was jointly established in 2015 by CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature, to attain science-based targets (SBTs) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thereby limit global warming to less than 2 °C compared to pre-industrial temperatures.

Find more information about Konica Minolta’s environmental initiatives here: www.konicaminolta.eu/en/business-solutions/sustainability.html