Konica Minolta named Industry Leader on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the second time in a row

| 12 oktober 2018

For seven consecutive years Konica Minolta has been included in the Dow JonesSustainability World Index (DJSI World), one of the most prestigious global indices of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment. And for the second year in a row, Konica Minolta achieved the highest score inthe industry group “TechnologyHardware & Equipment”,earning the title of “Industry Leader” in this segment.In the economic dimension, Konica Minolta was given the highest scores in its group in the categories of “Materiality”, “Risk & Crisis Management”, “Customer Relationship Management”, “Tax Strategy”, “Innovation Management”, and “Privacy Protection”.

This acknowledgement commends Konica Minolta’s outstanding priority in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, especially concerning the issues of environment, social innovation, customer satisfaction and product safety, responsible supply chain, human capital and diversity. The company’s goal is to contribute to improving the quality in human life with its corporate activities.

Konica Minolta’s activities are guided by its management philosophy and vision, which are based on the company’s Charter of Corporate Behaviour. Its focus is to contribute to solving social issues by combining new digital technologies with Konica Minolta’s proprietary core technologies. Such innovation helps to create new opportunities, particularly in the field of new services and solutions catering, for example, to the needs of an aging society.

Konica Minolta – A pioneer in sustainability

Addressing the global environmental challenges has continuously been at the core of Konica Minolta’s activities as well: Konica Minolta was the first company to receive the Blue Angel ecolabel in the field of copying in 1992, for example. In 2009, the company announced its EcoVision 2050, a set of long-term goals that aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 80 per cent over the product life cycle compared to the values of 2005 and to promote recycling and the effective use of Earth’s limited resources. Konica Minolta also offers sustainable solutions such as the Carbon Neutrality programme, which supports clients in Europe to fulfil their own environmental targets and meet the demands of their customers by offering a range of eco-friendly products. Further, Konica Minolta’s operations at its European Headquarters in Langenhagen (Germany) have been carbon-neutral since January 2018.

About the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index

The DJSI World is the first global index to track the financial performance of leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide. It was published in September 1999 and is maintained by S&P Dow Jones Indices in cooperation with RobecoSAM, a Zurich-based investment specialist that conducts detailed sustainability research on thousands of global market-cap leaders each year. In the annual review of 2,500 companies around the world, 319 companies have been listed on the DJSI. It assesses corporate sustainability from economic, environmental and social developments. The index is highly recognised among global institutional investors who take a close look at CSR management and sustainability.